The New Brunswick Small Business HR CONNEXION

TIPS to Help Create an Inclusive Workplace

This sheet will provide you with some helpful tips on how you can make your workplace more inclusive and increase its retention rate.

Get to know your employees on an individual basis to determine each person’s strengths, interests, priorities, challenges and commitment to the business.

Acknowledge staff when they are performing well.

Adapt flexibility in work arrangements to the needs of individuals rather than applying one policy for all staff.

Link employee goals and ambitions to the goals and future plans of the business.

Make sure your employees know how they fit into the big picture for the company, both now and in the future.

Communicate in a way that is respectful of and welcoming to all ages, genders, ethnicities, personal priorities and experiences. All internal and external communications such as newsletters, memos, job ads and websites should follow this guideline.

Make sure that work is shared fairly, and that all employees have opportunities to develop their skills, without making judgment or assumptions about personal circumstances or priorities.

Acknowledge and accommodate staff with diverse backgrounds and priorities.

Provide both positive and constructive feedback to employees on their work in a timely manner.

Praise publicly, but correct or reprimand privately.

Be open and accessible.

Maintain an open-door policy.

Examine the reason(s) for employee departure.

Keep track of any trends, and make an effort to address any issues within your control.


The Newfoundland and Labrador HR MANAGER (