The New Brunswick Small Business HR CONNEXION

Tips for Attracting Young Workers

Pay fair, competitive wages and benefits but consider lifestyle factors, too.

Offer opportunities. Young people value the opportunity to do creative, challenging work.

Create a work environment that is highly organized around teamwork and collaboration.

Ensure that your physical office space is attractive, has quality furniture and is up to date with technology. Young people judge a workplace by its “look.”

Provide young people with the ability to personalize their space.

Provide a safe workplace, free from security issues.

Provide open-space office organization rather than cubicles, which can be confining. Ensure that there is adequate space between workers to ensure privacy.

Provide combinations of work activity and social interaction.

Offer flexibility in terms of relaxed dress codes and allowing music to be played.

Offer flexible work schedules, telecommuting, full tuition reimbursement and on–line learning tools.

Be open to the new perspectives younger people bring to the workplace.

Be more concerned with skill and knowledge-based opportunities than long-term job security.

Provide ongoing feedback – this is critical to youth.

Provide opportunities for young people to use technology tools as part of their work – it is their lifestyle.


The Newfoundland and Labrador HR MANAGER (