The New Brunswick Small Business HR CONNEXION


Effective Communication of Policy

  • Decide how you will deal with attendance and absenteeism
  • Clearly communicate the policy to your employees

Health Promotion

  • Raise awareness of health issues
  • Encourage lifestyle changes
  • Maintain a healthy work environment

Occupational Health Services (OHS)

  • Engage occupational health practitioners including physicians, hygienists, psychologists, ergonomic experts and occupational health professionals to help you evaluate reasons for absenteeism, assist in planning returns to work and promote good health.

Employee Assistance Programs

  • Provide financial support or referral to EAP providers who can help your employees deal with family, financial, addiction, psychological and other issues.

Flexible Work Arrangements

  • Allow flexible start and finish time
  • Job-sharing
  • Term-time contracts
  • Irregular hours
  • Moving from full- to part-time working
  • Other such measures

Attendance Incentives

  • Reward good attendance with incentives such as bonuses or eligibility for prizes
  • Recognize good attendance in personal letters, company newsletters or bulletin board announcements
  • Allow a limited number of “Mental Health” days that can be taken by phoning in on the day when employees feel they cannot face work but are not ill enough to merit a sick day. These days off can be deducted from annual leave.
  • Provide medical health-related services on site; e.g., health checks, back pain clinics and flu vaccinations.




The Newfoundland and Labrador HR MANAGER (