The New Brunswick Small Business HR CONNEXION

Tips to reduce absenteeism

Management of Absenteeism

  • Have procedures in place for short- and long-term absences
  • Communicate procedures clearly to all staff
  • Stay in touch with employees during short- and long-term absences

Return-to-work interviews

  • Provide accurate, timely and accessible information on absence and its causes
  • Talk to the employee on the day he or she returns to work after every period of sickness
  • Welcome the individual back, check that he or she is recovered, review absence record and provide opportunity to discuss any underlying problems contributing to absenteeism

Use of trigger points

  • Put in place a specific level of absenteeism at which a personal absence review becomes essential and possible disciplinary action is considered

 Use of attendance criteria as part of the hiring process

  • Screen potential employees’ past attendance records before offering employment




The Newfoundland and Labrador HR MANAGER (